Financial Literacy for Kids and Teens: Building a Strong Foundation for Future Success

10 August, 2023

In today's increasingly complex financial landscape, it is more important than ever to equip children and teenagers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about money. As a credit union with a strong focus on community, Central West Credit Union recognises the significance of financial literacy for the younger generation. In this article, we will explore the importance of teaching children and teens about money management, including saving, budgeting, and understanding the value of money. We will also provide valuable resources and guidance to help you empower the young minds in your life.

The Importance of Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the foundation for a lifetime of financial well-being. By teaching children and teenagers about money management, we empower them to become responsible stewards of their finances. Developing these skills at an early age instils good financial habits and helps them make sound financial decisions in the future.

Start Early: Teaching Kids About Money

It's never too early to introduce children to the concept of money. Here are some practical strategies to start their financial education journey:

Allowance and Savings: Introduce the concept of earning money through age-appropriate chores and encourage them to save a portion of their allowance. This helps children understand the value of money and the importance of saving for future goals.

Goal Setting: Help children set savings goals, such as purchasing a toy or saving for a family outing. This instils discipline and teaches them delayed gratification.

Money Games: Engage children in interactive money-themed games and activities. Online platforms like "Money Metropolis" and "Practical Money Skills" offer interactive games that teach basic financial concepts.

Teenagers and Financial Responsibility

As children transition into their teenage years, their financial needs and responsibilities evolve. Here's how to foster financial responsibility in teenagers:

Budgeting: Introduce teens to budgeting by encouraging them to track their expenses and allocate their income wisely. This helps them understand the importance of prioritising needs and wants.

Banking and Saving: Help teenagers open a bank account to manage their finances. Teach them about interest, compound interest, and the benefits of saving early.

Part-Time Jobs: Encourage teenagers to seek part-time employment, enabling them to earn their own money, learn about taxation, and gain valuable workplace skills.

Practical Lessons and Real-World Experiences

Practical lessons and real-world experiences can significantly enhance financial literacy for kids and teens. Consider the following ideas to supplement their learning:

Grocery Shopping: Take your children or teens along when you go grocery shopping. Teach them about comparing prices, using coupons, and making smart purchasing decisions. This hands-on experience helps them understand the value of money and the importance of making informed choices.

Family Budgeting: Involve your children or teens in the family budgeting process. Discuss monthly expenses, savings goals, and the importance of setting aside money for emergencies. This exercise not only educates them about financial planning but also reinforces the concept of shared responsibility within the family.

Resources for Teaching Financial Literacy:

To assist you in teaching financial literacy to children and teenagers, here are some valuable resources:

Online Tools and Apps:

  • Mint: A free budgeting app that helps teens track their spending, set financial goals, and understand their overall financial picture.

  • Khan Academy: Offers free courses on personal finance, investing, and economics, suitable for teenagers.

  • Provides a wide range of resources, interactive tools, and games for teaching financial literacy.



  • "The MoneySmart Family System" by Steve and Annette Economides

  • "Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You're Not)" by Beth Kobliner

  • "The Teen's Guide to Personal Finance" by Joshua Holmberg


By prioritising financial literacy for children and teenagers, we equip them with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions throughout their lives. Central West Credit Union is committed to supporting the community by promoting financial literacy and providing resources for teaching money management. Remember, starting early and utilising the available resources are crucial for building a strong foundation of financial literacy. Together, let's empower the next generation for a financially secure future.